Luffy to Take Down Fish-Man Island: A Bold New Theory and a Promising Future Ahead

Madan Shyarly’s prediction concerning Luffy may allude to a potentially ruinous outcome in One Piece – however, it could be a fortunate circumstance for the Fishmen.

Luffy to Take Down Fish-Man Island A Bold New Theory and a Promising Future Ahead

Time and time again, One Piece has demonstrated its ability to incorporate all forms of fiction into its narrative, from Giants and Dwarves to Mermaids and Ninjas. Moreover, there are a few prophecies that will have an impact on the Grand Finale. In the Fishman Island arc, the unexpected prophecy that Luffy would be the cause of the destruction of Fishman Island was revealed by Madame Shyarly. Although no one is certain when this event will take place, Luffy’s presence in the prophecy suggests that it might not be too far off.

Madam Shyarly’s prophetic visions have never been wrong — even when she foresaw Whitebeard’s passing. But, after Luffy’s conflict with Hordy Jones was done, she realized he was not a villainous person and crushed the crystal ball she used to see the future. The inhabitants of Fish-Man Island hold Madam Shyarly in high esteem due to her powers. Bearing in mind the unique situation and Luffy’s character, there could be a more profound and positive interpretation of the prophecy about their island being ruined.

The Residents of Fish-Man Island’s Greatest Desire

The Residents of Fish-Man Island's Greatest Desire

The inhabitants of Fish-Man Island desire to bask in the genuine rays of the sun of the One Piece world. The sunlight they receive at the depths of the sea is not real; it is a reflection of the sunlight absorbed by the Sunlight Tree Eve’s roots, which transmit it to Fish-Man Island.

Despite the persecution and danger faced by Fishmen living underwater due to human prejudice, some have found protection under powerful pirates such as Whitebeard and Big Mom. The late Queen Otohime strove to bridge the gap between Fishmen and Humans and was close to realizing her dream of harmony. Unfortunately, her death and Hordy Jones’ actions resulted in her hard work going to waste.

Why It Seems Like Luffy Might Destroy Fish-Man Island

Why It Seems Like Luffy Might Destroy Fish-Man Island

Given Luffy’s nature in One Piece, it is inconceivable that he would cause destruction to an island – especially his own. However, now that Luffy is a Yonko and has Jinbe, the most powerful and respected Fishman, in his crew, he is a very important ally to Fish-Man Island. Therefore, Madam Shyarly’s prophecy appears to be suggesting that Luffy may be forced to destroy the island due to his adversaries.

Once the island is gone, the Fishmen will have the opportunity to live in the open, realizing their long-held desire. The discrimination they faced in the past has already begun to wane, and it is hoped that this trend will continue. Hence, it is not too far-fetched to think that Luffy will create a safe environment for the Fishmen to bask in the true sunlight, once he has achieved his ambitions.

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