My Hero Academia: Who Would Win in a Real Fight: Deku or Class 1-A?

Determining a victory between Deku and Class 1-A in My Hero Academia is not essential to the story, since neither of them wanted to fight unless it was necessary. However, it may be interesting to contemplate what would happen if they were to clash in earnest.

The potential outcome of a confrontation between Deku and Class A, taking into account the characters’ abilities and skills as of Season 6 Episode 23, “Deku vs Class A,” could be determined through a comprehensive analysis of all pertinent factors. The fight would only conclude when all combatants on one side have been incapacitated. Therefore, the actual result of a battle between Deku and Class A is impossible to predict.

What Would Make Class A or Deku Win?

What Would Make Class A or Deku Win

Many people point to Deku’s fatigue as an explanation for the confrontation, suggesting that Class A was able to keep up with him because he had been fighting for days without food or rest. Whether this is true or not, it cannot be denied that Class A had a definite edge in this situation.

Recalling the unified effort made by Class A, it is evident that their successful planning and cooperation enabled them to anticipate Deku’s actions and devise various strategies to impede him. Furthermore, their ability to join forces and effectively utilize their Quirks as a collective allowed them to overcome the formidable challenge Mirio Tōgata posed on his own. Without such a well-organized approach, the outcome could have been vastly different.

Undoubtedly, Class A should not be taken lightly. In the Final War Arc, many of their members have utilized Ultimate Moves far more powerful than those previously shown. This only happens a brief period of time after Deku is saved, so there was no opportunity for any remarkable increase in strength, apart from maybe some Quirk Awakenings. Therefore, when they challenged Deku, Class A must have already been at or near the level of power they are currently demonstrating. If they could pull off these kinds of strikes, they could cause considerable damage to the successor of One For All.

Considering the various elements, Deku is likely to come out on top more often than not. Nevertheless, with suitable advanced preparation and effective collaboration between students in Class A, it is possible to produce a result akin to the one displayed in “Deku vs. Class A,” demonstrating that even if briefly, the students of Class A can reach the highest echelons of the My Hero Academia realm.

Read more: My Hero Academia: Is Being the Symbol of Peace No Longer Worth the Cost?

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