One Piece: Unraveling the Identities of Seven Warlords of the Sea

Let’s take a closer look at the seven Warlords of the Sea from One Piece, a highly recognizable group within the series known for their impressive characteristics.

Following the execution of Gold Roger and the emergence of the Great Pirate Era, there was a surge of new pirates appearing all over the place. The Marines in One Piece were tasked with repelling these pirates, which was a daunting task given their sheer numbers. The changing world necessitated that the Marines adapt and evolve if they were to remain in control. At the same time, the Four Emperors in the New World were starting to establish their influence and territories. In response to the escalating number of pirates, the World Government instituted a system comprising the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

In the world of One Piece, seven different pirate crews were granted amnesty for their crimes and their bounties were canceled. Although they were free to pursue their goals, they were not allowed to directly interfere with the Marine Headquarters or the World Government. These pirates were essentially privateers. The Warlords, on the other hand, were expected to perform any task assigned to them by the Government, such as when Bartholomew Kuma was ordered to eliminate the Straw Hat Pirates on Thriller Bark and to obey Government summons during times of crisis, such as the execution of Portgaz D. Ace. This has earned the Warlords the nickname of “Government Dogs” among other pirates, as they abandon their pride as swashbucklers in favor of Government protection.

Who Are the Seven Warlords of the Sea?

Who Are the Seven Warlords of the Sea

Dracula Mihawk, the initial Warlord, made his debut in Chapter 50 of the One Piece manga. He displayed his power by destroying Don Krieg’s ship and engaging in a fierce battle with Zoro. However, it wasn’t until Chapter 69 that readers were properly introduced to the Seven Warlords system through Yosaku’s casual mention of Jimbei, a character who doesn’t appear until later in the story during the Impel Down arc. In essence, the Warlords can be compared to privateers of the One Piece world. Privateers were authorized pirates hired by old European nations to seize and attack ships, colonies, and other pirates.

One Piece features 11 characters who have been given the title of Warlord at some point. However, the most famous of these Warlords are the following seven: Dracula “Hawk-Eye” Mihawk, “The Tyrant” Bartholomew Kuma, Boa Hancock the Pirate Empress, Sir Crocodile, Gecko Moria, “First Son of the Sea” Jimbei and “Heavenly Yaksha” Donquiotxte Doflamingo. Other characters like “Surgeon of Death” Trafalgar Law, Buggy the Clown, Marshall D. Teach, and Edward Weevil were also given the title of Warlord for a certain period.

It is noteworthy that every Warlord has a distinct motive behind acquiring their position, whether it be honorable or not. Boa Hancock’s reasoning for becoming a Warlord is to protect her homeland, Amazon Lily, from unwanted intervention by the World Government or Marines. By maintaining her title, she is able to keep her nation isolated. Similarly, Jimbei’s decision to become a Warlord was made in hopes of fostering positive relationships between humans and Fishman in the future. He saw it as a gesture of goodwill and a step towards progress.

The Seven Warlords’ Deeds Resulted In Their Annulment

The Seven Warlords' Deeds Resulted In Their Annulment

There are some Warlords like Crocodile or Doflamingo who are more villainous and exploit their power to pursue their ambitions in their kingdoms without being afraid of any probe from the authorities. Buggy the Clown also capitalized on his new Warlord status as he started a mercenary group called Buggy’s Delivery Service. This group consists of Buggy and his crew who deploy fierce pirates and fighters to any organization or nation that can afford their services.

Although the Warlords have been an integral part of One Piece, their system was eventually abolished. During the most recent Revery, the issue of whether to dissolve the Seven Warlords system was raised because of the actions of Crocodile, Doflamingo, and Blackbeard. As a result, it was decided to strip all remaining Warlords of their status and to reinstate their bounties in Chapter 956. Consequently, the Marines were dispatched to all former Warlords’ present locations, including Boa Hancock, Mihawk, and Weevil, to capture or eliminate their targets.

Read more: What Episode Does Ace Die in One Piece?


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