Oshi no Ko: The Unconventional Blend of Genres That Will Leave You Spellbound

The movie-length premiere of Oshi no Ko seems to be struggling to identify with one specific genre, but it manages to blend multiple genres in a captivating manner.

The pilot episode of the Spring 2023 anime, Oshi no Ko, which was adapted from the manga with the same title, has surpassed everyone’s expectations. At first glance, it may seem like another typical story of reincarnation, but it soon becomes evident that it has more depth and complexity than that.

Oshi no Ko blends in different genres such as comedy, drama, mystery, thriller, and psychological to produce an exceptional viewing experience that is both engaging and stimulating. Despite some areas of improvement, especially in its comedic aspect, the first episode sets the bar high and hints at even greater things to come.

Oshi no Ko Begins with a Reincarnation Trap with an Idol Theme

Oshi no Ko Begins with a Reincarnation Trap with an Idol Theme

The narrative follows Dr. Goro, a rural physician who is an ardent admirer of a famous pop star, Ai Hoshino. By a twist of fate, the very same idol visits his countryside clinic for pregnancy consultation, which could spark a scandal and jeopardize her career. While grappling with this revelation and ensuring Ai’s safe childbirth, Goro is approached by a stalker. Upon discovering the stalker’s identity, he sets off in pursuit, but the antagonist outwits him, leading to his untimely demise. Goro is then reborn as one of Ai Hoshino’s offspring, Aquamarine Hoshino.

At first glance, Oshi no Ko appears to be a reincarnation anime with a gimmicky premise, similar to other shows. It gives off a vibe of being similar to My Life as Inukai-san’s Dog, where a fan’s obsession leads to them becoming a child star. The pilot episode’s introductory moments do little to dispel this initial impression. The majority of the episode’s early moments revolve around Goro adjusting to his new life while secretly admiring his idol-turned-mother’s every move.

Similar to other shows that employ this technique, Oshi no Ko also uses it in a humorous manner, often incorporating gags about the dim-witted female protagonist or the male lead attempting to avoid being seen as a pervert. Though the show’s comedic moments occasionally hit the mark, the humor can feel repetitive and uninspired. Thankfully, the focus shifts to a different genre, namely drama, once Ai Hoshino’s twins grow into toddlers.

Oshi no Ko Addresses Several Touchy Subjects at Once

Oshi no Ko Addresses Several Touchy Subjects at Once

The primary objective of Oshi no Ko is to make viewers laugh, but it also aims to lighten sensitive issues. Even though the premiere’s first part deals with various sensitive topics, it still has a comical tone. The first topic is teenage pregnancy, with Ai being only 16 when she first turned to Dr. Goro for help. The dilemma of whether to keep or terminate the pregnancy is also addressed, as well as Ai’s struggles with parenting alone. Despite all this seriousness, Oshi no Ko downplays the issues with a few casual remarks and smiles.

The idol industry is known for its toxicity, which is why Ai has to travel to remote areas to see Dr. Goro during her pregnancy. It is crucial to keep her situation a secret since any knowledge of it could ruin her career as an idol. As per the industry norms, being in a relationship is not allowed for idols. Additionally, Ai has to deal with a stalker who is obsessed with her and tries to track her movements. He feels betrayed by her pregnancy and is not hesitant to commit murder, as he has already done so twice in the past.

Ultimately, the central theme of Oshi no Ko appears to center around Ai’s challenge of balancing her parental duties with her professional aspirations, striving to remain relevant in the highly competitive realm of idol industry. Throughout her journey, Ai’s twin offspring provide unwavering support, with Aqua even venturing into the world of acting to secure gigs for her mother. However, toward the end of the show, the plot evolves into a tale of vengeance.

What is Oshi no Ko All About?

What is Oshi no Ko All About

As soon as audiences begin to accept that Oshi no Ko is a unique drama focused on everyday life, the stalker who previously killed Dr. Goro reappears and sets his sights on Ai. The stalker unexpectedly visits Ai and fatally stabs her, abruptly ending her storyline and prompting the narrative to shift toward revenge.

In the latest episodes of Oshi no Ko, the anime finally dives into its most pressing inquiries. Aqua embarks on a journey to locate their father, unravel the enigma surrounding their rebirth, and seek retribution against the perpetrator responsible for Ai’s death. To achieve this, Aqua is willing to utilize every weapon at their disposal, including their exceptional acting abilities. It appears that this will be the direction the show pursues in the upcoming episodes.

Although Oshi no Ko may appear unremarkable at first glance, it displays an abundance of potential. It skillfully blends and tackles various genres, maintaining a captivating element throughout. Every transition introduces a new twist, leaving the audience curious about what else the show holds. While its humor could use some refinement, Oshi no Ko has made an impressive debut. The entire feature-length premiere is setting the stage for Aqua’s epic quest for vengeance. The numerous hooks that come from its genre-blending have piqued viewers’ interest, making them eager to see how the narrative will unfold.

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