The Cold Reality of Anime: Uncovering the Devastating Effects of Anime Colds

Anime is renowned for its peculiar tropes which are especially prevalent in certain genres, such as the legendary “truck-kun” which whisks away any otaku to a fantastic isekai world. Another amusing anime trope is the lethal, strength-depleting cold, generally found in slice-of-life and romantic comedy stories. A character may be incapacitated by an abrupt illness after being exposed to the rain for a few minutes, causing them to be confined in bed and disorientated for an entire episode.

This trope has certain perplexing features that create uncertainty. Why do anime characters become so ill from just being exposed to rain, and why is the sickness so severe that it looks like pneumonia instead of a normal cold? Additionally, why does this trope keep arising and what is the intention of the creator for employing it?

Explanation of The Anime Cold

Explanation of The Anime Cold

In two common scenarios, the serious anime cold can take hold: when a character has been exposed to rainfall for too extended a period or is overworked and fatigued. This infection can be incredibly debilitating, causing a wide range of symptoms such as amnesia, confusion and extreme lethargy, leaving the affected individual completely bedridden and unable to take part in the action of the episode. Consequently, care must be provided to them, often by a love interest, who is presented with the rare opportunity to look after their beloved in a weakened state.

The Japanese attitude towards illness can be seen in their response to the common cold, which is typically seen as an incredibly debilitating affliction. This is due to the cultural emphasis on productivity, with sick workers and students expected to show up and put in their hours, even if they are unwell. This fear of getting sick is reflected in anime, where characters who declare themselves sick are portrayed as close to death, for the audience to accept it as a valid reason for their illness. The exaggerated effects of ‘catching a cold’ from getting wet in comedies reflect this attitude towards sickness and the perception of illness in Japanese working culture.

What Role Does the Anime Cold Have in the Story?

What Role Does the Anime Cold Have in the Story

The severe nature of the anime cold may be attributed to how it is an effective tool for the writer to explore relationships between characters in a confined situation. Just as the beach or fireworks episode of an anime can provide a romantic setting, the sick episode can provide a way to remove social pressures and give characters the opportunity to express their feelings. With the sick character being in a delirious state, they are able to reveal emotions that are normally hidden, and their love interest may take the chance to confess their own feelings, assured that the confession won’t be remembered. The anime cold episode provides a setting for characters to explore and develop their relationships, with all the misunderstandings that come with it.

The school setting in slice-of-life and romantic comedy anime is a popular choice due to its ability to represent a wide range of characters. However, it can lack tension and danger that would give a genuine sense of vulnerability. This is why the ‘anime cold’ trope is so effective as it provides meaningful stakes to the situation. An example of this is Kaguya-sama: Love Is War, which uses its sick episode to create an atmosphere of vulnerability between Kaguya and Shirogane, opening up the possibility of future dramatic development between them. Even though the illness is often exaggerated, it serves as a useful device to generate narrative potential and further character growth.

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