Oshi no Ko’s Akane: Her Obsession With Aqua Goes Beyond Love

Akane Kurokawa greatly admires Aqua for rescuing her in Oshi no Ko, but her intense fixation on him may exacerbate the challenges she already faces in her life.

The anime sensation of Spring 2023, Oshi no Ko, initially aimed to challenge the norms of the pop idol industry, but has since shifted its focus towards exploring character conflicts and emotional distress, particularly with the arrival of newcomer Akane Kurokawa. In the most recent episodes, Akane encountered a major setback on a dating show which resulted in her being ostracized. However, she has since managed to get her career back on track.

Oshi no Ko’s Akane appears to have made a rapid recovery from her emotional trauma and is now fully committed to showing her appreciation towards Aqua for his kindness and support. Despite having valid reasons to look up to him and feel indebted, Akane’s borderline obsession with Aqua and his romantic preferences may only lead her down a path toward another disaster.

Red flags abound throughout Akane’s Obsession with Aqua

Red flags abound throughout Akane's Obsession with Aqua

Akane’s newfound closeness to Aqua Hoshino is understandable given his help in her recent survival and recovery, but their relationship is starting off on an unhealthy note. Akane lacks confidence in herself and her values and is now trying to transform herself into Aqua’s ideal partner, which is not a good sign for their potential as a couple. In fact, she is going as far as to mold herself after Aqua’s late mother, Ai Hoshino, after overhearing some gossip at school about Aqua’s preferences. Akane’s behavior is concerning, as she is essentially becoming someone she is not in an eerily detailed replication of Ai.

Oshi no Ko’s Akane managed to acquire the eye stars of the Hoshino family, but in Ai’s situation, those stars symbolized fear and deceit rather than charm and assurance. These eye stars manifested the idol’s distressed and bewildered mental condition, therefore it’s alarming and sorrowful that Akane now possesses them as well.

Akane is currently impersonating Ai, despite the fact that Ai previously deceived her supporters by claiming to love them when she may have been unsure about loving her own children. Akane, who has the same eye stars as Ai, could possibly be concerned that she is also deceiving herself about her love for Aqua. She is trying too hard to conform and may not be completely content with her façade. It is improbable that holding onto Aqua in this manner will bring her joy, regardless of how hard she tries.

Oshi no Ko’s Akaneshouldn’t have fallen in love with Aqua

Akane shouldn't have fallen in love with Aqua in Oshi no Ko

Akane’s obsession with Aqua is rooted in a combination of despair and deception, which will inevitably lead to their downfall. Despite the fact that the worst of online harassment has ended, Akane is still grappling with deep insecurities and may rely on Aqua for comfort out of necessity rather than authentic affection. While Akane is resolved to repay Aqua, being emotionally indebted to him would create an uneven dynamic in any potential relationship. It would be more advantageous for Akane to develop genuine feelings for Aqua based on more conventional reasons, instead of utilizing this relationship as a means of emotional healing.

Aqua is not actively seeking a girlfriend, which is another important factor. Although he shared his desired qualities in a girl with his female classmates, he was only referring to Ai, his favorite idol, and did not take it seriously. Despite fans of Oshi no Ko potentially shipping Aqua and his sister Ruby together, neither of them is prepared for a committed romantic relationship currently. Ruby is too self-centered and immature, while Aqua is solely focused on avenging Ai’s murder and has no interest in romance. Additionally, Aqua is mentally more mature than Akane or any of his female classmates, and he is fully aware of this fact.

Oshi no Ko’s Akane is once again trying to mix her professional and personal lives, a tactic that has already backfired on her in the past. It is unlikely that her attempt to reinvent herself by imitating Ai will be successful. In fact, it could lead her down the same path as Ai, where she is lost in a world of deceit and fake relationships that could ultimately lead to her demise. Tragedy seems to follow the Hoshino family in the entertainment industry, and Akane would be wise to keep her career and personal life separate and avoid getting involved with Aqua Hoshino and his personal issues.

Read more: Oshi no Ko: The Unconventional Blend of Genres That Will Leave You Spellbound

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